[Nmsalsa] Polaris Leap instructions

Library, OSE, OSE OSE.Library at state.nm.us
Sat Apr 10 20:44:13 MDT 2021

Thanks, Brad. I was able to log in and renew a book. Yay! (from my laptop which isn't registered with you.)

Hope it is going well for everyone!



From: nmsalsa-bounces at lists.zianet.com <nmsalsa-bounces at lists.zianet.com> on behalf of Carrington, Bradley, DCA <Bradley.Carrington at state.nm.us>
Sent: Friday, April 2, 2021 11:47 AM
To: nmsalsa at lists.zianet.com
Subject: [EXT] [Nmsalsa] Polaris Leap instructions

Hello all,

Here is some info on connecting to the browser-based version of Polaris.  Remember that the client version is still available; remember that not every function is yet available via Leap.


Two steps for Leap sign-in:

  *   domain\username, for example, hpl\nmmgarcia  and your password
  *   (hpl stands for hosted polaris library)

then pick "branch" and workstation

  *   over the years we've registered dozens of workstations!  (sorry for the mess)
  *   See attached list and settle on a workstation for you to use.
  *   Try to pick the workstation most recently registered for you.
  *   On this list I sometimes listed the workstation name, so you could start at row 117 and scan info from the most recent upwards
     *   https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1c4TdD87TWeb5FN5y08Kf_ddhJdIN12Q-zju6BRHQKmA/edit?usp=sharing<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1c4TdD87TWeb5FN5y08Kf_ddhJdIN12Q-zju6BRHQKmA/edit?usp=sharing>
  *   ​If you aren't getting the permissions that you expect, let me know.

Note that for Leap you do not have to log onto the terminal server in Syracuse!  For Leap you don't need hpl\nmsl-ts13 etc.

Here are videos:

​Have a good weekend and watch for leaping bunnies!

From: Carrington, Bradley, DCA
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 10:50 AM
To: nmsalsa at lists.zianet.com
Subject: Polaris upgrade Thursday

Hello SALSA,

We have our date for the Polaris upgrade (6.7):  this Thursday April 1st!  No foolin'  The system will be down until early afternoon, including the OPAC.

Trivia:  it was April 1st 2014 that III purchased Polaris.

We will have access finally to Leap, the web version.  I haven't yet talked to our account manager, so I don't know how long it will take for III to give us license to Leap.  Plus there will be some sysadmin settings that I'll have to make.  I'll let you know.

Polaris still makes available its Windows client version.  Some functions are still only in the Windows client, e.g. editing and importing bibs.  Eventually all of Polaris will move to the browser-based staff interface.

To prepare yourself here are some Leap videos, plus links to Polaris training and documentation.

Introduction to Polaris Leap

  *   https://vimeopro.com/innovativeiii/webinars/video/508584038<https://vimeopro.com/innovativeiii/webinars/video/508584038>
  *   See how the Polaris Leap web client has re-imagined the staff user experience for libraries. This webinar provides a broad overview of Polaris Leap.


  *   training and documentation:  https://innovative.libguides.com/polaris/patronservices<https://innovative.libguides.com/polaris/patronservices>
  *   (recording not yet available; I'll send link when I get it):  Getting Started with Circulation in Polaris Leap
     *   ​This webinar is for Polaris libraries that are currently working on circulation in the Polaris client and plan to switch to circulation in Polaris Leap.


  *   training and documentation:  https://innovative.libguides.com/polaris/cataloging<https://innovative.libguides.com/polaris/cataloging>
  *   Cataloging in Polaris Leap
     *   https://vimeopro.com/innovativeiii/webinars/video/508556214<https://vimeopro.com/innovativeiii/webinars/video/508556214>
     *   Learn about all of the cataloging functions that can be performed in Polaris Leap.
  *   Leap Beyond Circulation
     *   https://vimeopro.com/innovativeiii/webinars/video/418548350<https://vimeopro.com/innovativeiii/webinars/video/418548350>
     *   If you are new to Polaris Leap or looking for additional training, join us to learn about Leap functionality beyond circulation workflows. This webinar covers searching, record sets, bulk changing, and other exciting things that Leap has to offer.


  *   training and documentation:  https://innovative.libguides.com/polaris/serials<https://innovative.libguides.com/polaris/serials>
  *   checkin videos
     *   https://iii365.sharepoint.com/:v:/s/ITLCresources/ET2otkhvjgtPoar51QNLIBoB_XVlEEy4JEGpNpfPWk3bEA?e=FiQvPW<https://iii365.sharepoint.com/:v:/s/ITLCresources/ET2otkhvjgtPoar51QNLIBoB_XVlEEy4JEGpNpfPWk3bEA?e=FiQvPW>
     *   https://iii365.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/ITLCresources/EnDPLvfUMRdGgB3_F7xjGR4Bxc7pj7lwec6KVswNTtGLiQ?e=ruyiq6<https://iii365.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/ITLCresources/EnDPLvfUMRdGgB3_F7xjGR4Bxc7pj7lwec6KVswNTtGLiQ?e=ruyiq6>

Leap manual:

Windows client manual:

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